Women’s Health

Your health is one of the most significant investments that you can make for your body. No matter your age, lifestyle, or health condition, it is essential to visit your doctor regularly to get a general health check and detect any potential complications. Women’s Health is not limited to physical health but extends to overall well-being, and lack of emphasis on its importance can have long-term consequences.

When it comes to managing your health, one of the first things you can do is stay on top of your routine women’s check-up. Having an annual exam allows you to build a trusting relationship with your doctor, who will take the lead in maintaining your health. Overall, the routine exam is done to examine your general health, but it is also an opportunity to screen for possible conditions that must be treated immediately. Narooma Medical Centre offers comprehensive services that prioritise Women’s Health.

To book an appointment with us, call us on 02 4476 5588 / 0424 204 562

Common Tests for Women’s Health Checks

If you are unsure of what usually occurs during your annual visit to the doctor, here are some of the common tests conducted for Women’s Health:

  1. General Exam
    This exam is typically part of the standard routine done to check important points of your health to get a general idea about your current health status and detect warning signs of possible diseases while early. For this test, your doctor will perform procedures like a heart check, blood pressure and blood sugar level test, height and weight check, urine test, and the like.
  2. Pap Smear
    A pap smear is a common test done on women to check for the possibility of cervical cancer. It is done by taking cells from a woman’s cervix to see whether there are abnormalities or changes that require treatment. Women who have been sexually active must take this test regularly, with the frequency dependent on lifestyle, health, or results from a previous pap smear test.
  3. Breast Check
    Breast exams help your doctor check for lumps or other warning signs that may point to a more severe health condition. Once you turn 40, you may also be advised to get a mammogram or breast X-ray annually to screen for breast cancer or check for lumps that may or may not be linked to cancer. While most lumps are said to be benign, it is still best to hear this from your doctor to ensure that there is no threat to your health.

    In most cases, you may also be encouraged to perform breast self-checks to maintain awareness about your health. These are central to Women’s Health as they can help you check for lumps or other physical changes. Developing the habit of doing self-examinations, along with getting your regular breast checks from your doctor, can boost your chances of detecting warning signs at the earliest possible time.
Common Tests for Women’s Health Checks

Find a Trusted Physician Today

Here at Narooma Medical Centre, your health is our priority, and we strive to build long-lasting relationships with all our patients. Take an active stance towards improving every aspect of your health today by finding a physician that you can trust and rely on. Do not hesitate to reach out to us or visit our centre to learn more about how we can help you through your health journey. Call us on 0244765588 / 0424204562

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